Sunday, July 28, 2019

Coffee ~ Part IV[1]

Specifically Ethiopian ቡና

Q: What do you call it when someone steals your Coffee?!

This is just a quick, Coffee-specific 'blog-entry on Ethiopian Coffee. The last one was a while back specifically on Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee (see 'blog-entry from Friday, February 28th, 2014). It goes without saying that Ethiopian Coffee is no Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee, but it is definitely my current #2 favourite Coffee.

The Amharic (the official language of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia) word for Coffee is "ቡና " (pronounced "būna").

Ethiopia is where Coffea arabica, the Coffee plant, originates. Just because this was where Coffee all started does not necessarily mean it has to be one of the best Coffees in the World, but in this case, it is the case. I mean, even Pizze Italiane were really nuthin' much of which to speak until ol' Cristoforo Colombo hisd*mnself invented tomatoes in "the New World" and brought some back to his hometown of Napoli where the locals started making some truly outstanding pies after that. ("But, Brian, not all Pizzas have to have a tomato-base/tomato sauce on them. Have you never heard of or seen a 'White Pizza'?" Yeah, sure, and decaf coffee is real Coffee, too.)

(Stolen... er... borrowed directly from the friendly folks at WikipediA)
"Ethiopian Coffee beans of the species Coffea arabica can be divided into three categories: Longberry, Shortberry, and Mocha. Longberry varieties consist of the largest beans and are often considered of the highest quality in both value and flavour. Shortberry varieties are smaller than the Longberry beans but, are considered a high grade bean in Eastern Ethiopia where it originates. Also the Mocha variety is a highly prized commodity. Mocha Harars are known for their peaberry beans that often have complex Chocolate, spice and citrus notes."

Lately, I would have to say that some of my favourite Coffee beans are harvested in the Yirgachefe District in South-central Ethiopia. However, I generally will enjoy Coffee from the other major Coffee-producing regions of Sidamo, Limmu, or Harar, too. The local (and by "local", I mean they do all of their roasting for their three Sunset District coffeeshops at their Taraval Street location) Andytown Coffee Roasters periodically releases an absolutely amazing version of a Yirgachefe Coffee... get it while it is available and while it lasts!

There are actually three different joke-answers to the above titular query:

a) Coffelony (compliments of Roy Trout; this is actually my favourite joke-answer; that is just some funny sh*t right there);
b) Grounds for Murder (care of Doc Estes; my second favourite joke-answer);
c) a mugging (now, this was the actual correct answer, but, by far, not anywhere quite as funny as the first two answers; sorry, Diane).

Glen Bacon Scale Rating:
Ethiopian ቡና ~ 7.0 - 8.0 (It's a d*mn fine cuppa!)


1. As in the Roman numeral for "4", but I kinda like the idea of a Coffee-based drink administered intravenously.

1 comment:

  1. The Doc answer seemed, to me, the most well-thought-out. But I'm not Ethiopean.
