(no website available)
I had read several on-line reviews of Breakfast at Tiffany's (and it only makes sense for me to check out a place named after my 'blog) and people either seem to absolutely love this place or cold-bloodedly hate it… count me among the former numbers now, Truman. Breakfast at Tiffany's is a completely unassuming "Mom & Pop" (literally) diner-joint located over in the Portola neighborhood of San Francisco, over on San Bruno Avenue (just a block from the Silver Ave exit off Highway 101). Unlike many other female-named restaurants (e.g. Dottie's, Ella's, Chloe's, Bettys, etc.), there is an actual "Tiffany" associated with this restaurant; she is the goddaughter of the owner/chief cook/bottle washer/"Pop". According to "Mom", they opened 34 years ago and have been at same location the entire time.
They have several Audrey Hepburn photos and posters adorning the walls. I asked "Pop" and he said that people started giving them to them and they put them up. (Them's a lot of "thems" in that thar' sentence.)
They have a pretty decent daily menu and several items on the specials board above the stoves:
I went off the printed menu and ordered the Veggie Omelet ~ Spinach, Mushrooms, Tomatoes, Onions, Bell Peppers, Avocado, & Cheese (I chose Swiss, 'cause there was no Belgium cheese offered); with Sourdough toast, and a cuppa coffee. All breakfast dishes come with a side order of hashbrowns, and I "upgraded" mine to the Stella: Cheddar & Jack cheese, Green Chili (Ortega chiles), Tomatoes, served with Salsa & Sour cream.
In addition to their "Standard" Hashbrowns, they have three different "Upgrades" (their actual term, not mine) from which to choose: Dela, Stella, and Stella by Starlite (the Works). Now any place that does something different and interesting with my favourite tubular fruit, the potato, is okay by me. This was really a meal unto itself ~ a huge pile of hashbrowns ~ and worth a return trip just for that. Don't get me wrong, the omelette was very good, too ~ lots of fresh spinach (Always a good thing, Martha.) and probably an entire half of an avocado (a whole half?) in it.
Available for condimentary supplements are: Tabasco® (standard red), Crystal®, and Cholula®; however, I again brought some of my new Big Papi ~ En Fuego Hot Sauce (Thanks again, Kerry!). I went with some of the Monster Double Medium Hot on the omelette only, the salsa that came with the hashbrowns was pretty tasty already. (I asked if they made their own salsa fresh and was very surprised to be told that it actually came from a "can"… "Get a rope!"... It really was very good for coming from a can, and seemed like it had roasted tomatoes and chiles in it.)
Breakfast at Tiffany's is exactly the kind of joint and reason that I started this 'blog-thingy for in the first place. If it were a little closer and had better area parking, I am sure it would make "my rotation".
There were no diamonds for breakfast, Holly, just some damn fine hashbrowns! (And I promise you will not get any pink-eye from eating there, Remy.)
Glen Bacon Scale Rating: Veggie Omelet ~ 6.9; Stella Hashbrowns ~ 7.7 (actually, they were more like a 7.5, but I liked that they opened in '77, and thought this appropriate)
*(For those of you born after 1980, here is a little information on "la fleur délicate de la Belgique/die zarte Blume von Belgien":
Think of her as an older version of Natalie Portman.)
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