(No official web-site available.)
I went to breakfast much later today than I normally do (well, closer to lunch than "Brunch" even), as I had to wait this morning to have a new refrigerator delivered and the old (deceased) one taken away. Bye-bye, Sears Coldspot (circa 1955); hello, GE Hotpoint (circa 2011). It seems that there have been major changes in home refrigeration units in the past 56 years. Did you know that they now have separate doors for the "ice-box" compartment (and it can hold more than one pint-sized ice cream container comfortably) and the refrigerator section? I have no idea why a "refrigerator" is called a "Hotpoint" (corporate oxymoron?), though.
I ended up going to a new (for me and relatively new to San Francisco) place called Sweet Maple on Sutter Street, one block from Fillmore. I completely forgot that this weekend was the Fillmore Jazz Festival (and street fair) and had a bit of a problem finding legal parking nearby the restaurant. I lucked out after only driving around for about ten minutes (most of which was just crossing Fillmore and waiting for all the stupid, jaywalking festival-goers) and found a spot just two blocks away.
The Fillmore has always had a rich history of music in San Francisco: Blues, Jazz, and even that new-fangled Rock-and/or-Roll abomination; as pictured on this local mural of Blues and R&B legends: John Lee Hooker*, Charles Edward Anderson "Chuck" Berry, Riley B. "Blues Boy" King, William McKinley "Jazz" Gillum, Eleanora Fagan (Billie Holiday), Louis Jordan, Johnny Allen Hendrix (James Marshall "Jimi" Hendrix), and even some white guy from Texas named Stephen Ray Vaughan (I have no idea why he is on there). How many others can you name?
Sweet Maple has a pretty decent menu: several types of "Benedictions", omelettes, scrambles, and even "Morning Pizzas" from which to choose. I especially liked the sound (and looks) of the Morning Pizzas, which are made in a wood-burning oven. This may need another visit in the future (just not during any stupid street fairs). I ended up having the Marguerite Omelette ~ roasted tomato, basil, mushroom, white cheddar; served with herb roasted potato medley and toast (went with whole wheat); and a cuppa Equator Artisan Coffee of Marin.
I mainly ordered the Marguerite Omelette as it sounded as close to a pizza (Margherita) omelette as I could get. The roasted tomatoes and fresh basil were the key to this dish (and were the main decider in my ordering it). The roasted tomatoes really had a lot of flavour; I guess roasting tomatoes intensifies the flavour much the same as sun-drying them would. The herb roasted potato medley was made with red, white, and blue potatoes (That's the Spirit, Mr. Eisner!)… and orange (sweet) potatoes. You can "Add $1.50 for fruit instead of potato medley"; why you would want to, I don't know. It was all very good, but there was not enough of the herb roasted potato medley for my liking.
They offer for condimentary supplements simply Tabasco® ~ both the standard red and the Jalapeño green, and, as is eponymously implied, pure maple syrup on all the tables and counter. Once again, I went with some of my own Palo Alto Fire Fighters Pepper Sauce on the potatoes (Thanks, Amy! ~ there may be only enough left for one more meal) and a little Big Papi En Fuego Hot Sauce ~ Original Mild on the omelette (Thanks, Kerry!). As I had to have something with "sweet maple" on it, I used some of the pure maple syrup on my buttered toast.
I suppose I should have checked out a little of the Jazz Festival after eating, but I really didn't want to have to put any more change in the meter and wanted to get back and re-stock my new refrigerated contraption.
Glen Bacon Scale Rating: Marguerite Omelette ~ 6.7; John Lee Hooker & Van Morrison duet ~ 8.5
*(John Lee Hooker is the Patron Saint of Blues in San Francisco. He had a club right on Fillmore ~ well, it's still there, but John Lee has been gone for several years now ~ called "John Lee Hooker's Boom Boom Room".
If you were lucky enough on some nights, you could catch John Lee joining in with whatever band happened to be playing that night. I also remember seeing John Lee perform at an Irish ~ yes, Irish ~ music festival back in 1999. What? You never heard of Black Irish? He even did a few songs with Van Morrison then, too.)
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