Saturday, March 13, 2010

What Are YOU Lookin' At?!

This is my first post on my first (personal) 'blog.

This 'blog will basically be dedicated to cool breakfast dives in San Francisco (or wherever my travels bring me). I specify "dives" as they are normally the best places to eat breakfast
~ no fancy-schmancy "Brunch Restaurants", thank you; plus, dives are generally cheaper and open earlier.

I am sure that this 'blog will deviate (as in the noun: 

"a person whose sexual behavior departs from the norm in a way that is considered socially or morally unacceptable") every so often into my other main interests or whatever pops into my "wee li'l haid". As that great bard, Woody Allen, once said: "The only things I take seriously are Comedy and Baseball!" There are few things that I enjoy more in life than live Baseball games, pretty women, and a good breakfast... at least I can usually afford the breakfast and it never rejects me.

Read along, comment, enjoy the breakfast places!

а ваше здоровье!