Sunday, June 9, 2019

6th & B

What d'yer do when both your Back-up Plan #1 and Back-up Plan #2 fail?

It's scramble-time!

Place: 6th & B

Location: 452 Balboa Street
(on the corner of 6th Avenue)

Hours: open Thursday - Monday at 8:00am

Meal: soft scramble with avocado ~ two eggs, spinach, mushroom, tomatoes, French country bread, house potatoes; and, to drink, a glassa Watermelon Man (which is simply a whole lotta fresh watermelon juiced, man!)

([You can basically skip the first minute or so of the first song, it is just Adele explaining why she wrote the song. And, yes, that is over 100 million views already on this particular live version. You wanna see something amazing, Gracie? Check out Adele's original version of this same song... over one-point-three Billion views... 1,300,000,000 views! Oh, and that second song... it has garnered merely one-point-five Billion views all on its ownsome! Holy cr*poli, Batman!]

There really is/are no EweToobular juxtaselection/s with these songs this morning. The house-stereo [restaurant-stereo, whatever] just happened to be playing the first song while I was eating.

See? Sometimes when the fat lady sings, it ain't always necessarily a foreshadowing of failure... )

Do not get me wrong. I have absolutely no qualms about going back to 6th & B (see last 'blog-entry from Sunday, March 10th, 2019) for breakfast. In fact, this great little (and very local) place is even very Breakfastary Starting Rotation-worthy. However, due to the Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon which would be gumming-up the traffic around my neighborhood all morning, I thought it best to keep it as local as possible (accessible by foot or by bus straight down Geary Boulevard). So, my original plan of attack this morning was just to go back to Royal Ground Coffee (see last 'blog-entry from Saturday, February 16th, 2019). When I arrived there around 8:20am (they open daily at 6:30am, but I have found that they usually are not prepared to serve any sort of actual cooked breakfasts until well after 7:30am and recently not until after 8:00am), I was informed that their kitchen is now closed (temporarily or for good... immano).

Strike One ~ swing and a miss!

Unfortunately, I was then forced to come up with some sorta viable (and hopefully still local) Back-up Plan. Simples! Knowing that there is a relatively new bagel shop, the Bagel Bakery Cafe[1], just on the other corner a block away, which I have been meaning to check-out one of these days, anyway, I walked back down the block to it. However, for some undogly reason, they are not open on Sunday. Wha'?! Really?!  What kinda bagelry worth its (Kosher) salt is not open on a Sunday?! 

Strike Two ~ right down the middle!

Fine... thusly, on to Back-up Plan #2Frena Bakery & Cafe (see initial 'blog-entry from Sunday, February 10th, 2019) which is only two blocks further away. Now I know that these guys are open on Sundays, because they are an official-type Kosher bakery-place and are closed from sundown on Friday nights and all day on Saturdays.... except today... there was a note on the front door saying that they are closed today and Monday. (I did not bother reading what it was ~ possibly some kinda Jewish holiday?) 

Strike Three ~ looking!

Next batter-up!

At this point, I was really running outta early morning local-ish options/ideas and, despite what my brother Sean might have ridiculed me for, I even gave a thought of going right back to Breadbelly. (What the hey?! I was already in the neighborhood and it would have been just a short six block walk back over there from Frena and I am planning on revisiting there again soon, anyway.) 

I bet that even Edward Davis Wood Jr. had a "Plan 10 From Outer Space" in his back pocket.

Finally(?!)... on to Back-up Plan #3! It had been a few months since my last visit to 6th & B. So, I just hopped on the bus, Gus (no need to discuss this much more with myself), and got off five stops away (which, thankfully, drops you off exactly at 6th Avenue).

I like that this dish is offered as either an omelette or soft scramble. I have had it previously as an omelette with cheese instead of with avocado already once before, and I felt that it would work nicely in scramble-form (and would provide me with a st*pid titular joke). I really liked the amount of fresh, sliced avocado (well, if'n an avocado ain't fresh, there ain't no ways-no how that you're gonna be able to slice that bad-boy) that was fanned atop the scramble heap; there had to be at least a whole halfa avocado on it.

I also liked that the French country bread toast was prepared either on the top of the grill or possibly in a salamander.

Plus (and it is exactly pluses like this why I can fully see putting 6th & B into my Breakfastary Starting Rotation if the need ever be some day), they make some rockin'-good homefries! These include not only fried pieces of julienned carrots, but fried bits of kale, too (trust me, this was no plain ol' parsley, Rosemary; I sagely asked in time).

As far as condimentary supplements go, 6th & B has Tabasco® Brand Pepper Sauce (Original Red Sauce), Tapatío® Salsa Picante Hot Sauce, and Frank's® RedHot (Original). I used some of my own Thyme Farm Vinegars Charlie's Chili Stuff (aka Old Narragansett® Bay Seasoning?!) (Thanks, Sha'!) generously dusted all over the homefries (about two forkfuls) and even a pinch on top of my Watermelon Man[2], and several shakes of 
Peaks of Otter Peppers Cremation Drops Hot Sauce (Thanks, Cindy & Greg!) on top of the avocado and scrambled mess. Additionally, I used up the last few grinds from my grains of paradise grinder... looks like I need to make a trip "all the way over" to Fisherman's Wharf to get me some more grains of paradise (and, just relax, I was not st*pid enough to grind any of it into my Watermelon Man, man... Hmmmm?! Next time?).

I had always presumed (and, yes, I am well-aware of the old saying: "When you 'presume' something, it makes a 'pres' out of 'u' and 'me'... ") that the manager/owner-lady was Korean. I asked her as I was leaving today (fully expecting to say "고맙습니다!" ["Gomabseubnida!"] to her on my way out), but she told me that she was actually Chinese/Taiwanese. Luckily, I asked first, at least then I could correctly say "謝謝 !" ("Xièxiè!") to her as I was leaving.

This morning's meal ended up being the case where unexpected Back-up Plan #3 turned out to be even better'n the originally scheduled Plan.

Glen Bacon Scale Rating:
soft scramble with avocado ~ 6.6 (this was really a 6.5, but I am giving it an additional 0.1 Glen Bacon Scale points for being open and for the awesome homefries);
Watermelon Man ~ 7.0


1. I am not sure how this bagel shop is related to a bagelry with the exact same name and logo-design based out of Monterey, California. I used to go to their shops all the time back when I was living in Monterey and Pacific Grove.

The above web-site does not list any official locations in San Francisco, though.

2. If nothing else than to prove a "heated" argument over the virtues and good flavouring of Old Bay® Seasoning from earlier this morning on defacedbook.

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