Sunday, March 10, 2019

6th & B

I do not always eat "healthy", but when I do, this is the kinda "healthy" junk I like to eat...

Place: 6th & B

Location: 452 Balboa Street
(on the corner of 6th Avenue)

Hours: open Thursday - Monday at 8:00am

Meal: quinoa bowl ~ gold and red quinoa, market vegetables (they did not specify from which market; however, in today's bowl they musta purchased their vegetables from some "vile" market like W*lmart, because there were a few pieces of "the vile weed" thrown into the mix), poached egg + avocado; and, to drink, a glassa fresh-squeezed sweet green ~ spinach + pear + lemon + apple (thankfully, none of the "green" was due to "the vile weed")

(Today's EweToobular juxtaselections are mainly based upon this semi-annual st*pid Daylight Savings Time imposed upon those of us that are temporally-challenged. Plus, the Bob video is because they were playing his music exclusively  this morning the entire time that I was eating at the restaurant. I may have lost [or gained, I never know with this foolishness] an hour this morning, but at least I could enjoy my breakfastary repast with a little Bob to make up for the time.)

I did not want to waste any more "time" this morning, so I kept it all pretty local and headed back over to 6th & B (see last 'blog-entry from Sunday, February 4th, 2018).

This was only my third visit there for breakfast (I had also eaten there once before for lunch). There are still a few other viable breakfast options for stupid vegetarian-types:

egg[ sic ] benedict ~ two poached eggs[ sics ], spinach, Hollandaise (while they prefer to stylize everything in the minuscule, I am majusculing this Frenchy mother sauce name), house potatoes (their version of homefries are first-rate, too);

lemon ricotta pancakes ~ seasonal fruit (I just hope it is not more of "the vile weed" season), organic maple syrup;

french toast ~ brioche bread, coconut milk batter (interesting), seasonal fruit (see above comment), organic maple syrup;


b toast ~ 2 eggs, cheese, avocado, baked on vienna (again, minusculed) white bread, mini salad (if I were to order this one ~ and I might just be doing that on my next visit ~ I would definitely force myself into ordering a side of their house potatoes [minuscule or not]).

Not to worry, for any of you dead, decaying meatetarians, they offer several interesting dishes for your ilk, too:

b mix-up ~ scrambled egg, potato, crumbled bread, bacon, pulled pork, sweet onion, fried tomato (I have no idea what this dish would even look like, but it does sound intriguing);

tonkatsu sandwich ~ panko-crusted pork cutlet, aioli, house worcestershire (again, mini-schooled) sauce, cabbage, house potatoes (this dish would probably be in honour of their japanese [See? Two can play at this minuscule game!] heritage); 


loco moco ~ angus beef patty, 2 eggs sunny side up, onions, mushroom, gravy, white rice, scallions.

Sadly, they no longer offer the very tasty sweet porridge (which I had on my previous visit). The owner/manager-lady told me that they stopped offering it because no one was ordering it... St*pid customers! What the h*ck do they know about good food?!

Even though the sweet green mighta had a sickly nookular hue to it, it was one mighty tasty/sweet-*ss drink. The pear and apple flavours definitely overpowered the spinach (and I love spinach).

This was one HUGE bowl o' steaming quinoa with lots of (other than the aforementioned "vilocity") good junk in it, which included (at least): sweet potato, mushrooms, julienned bell peppers (gold, orange, and red), (even more) spinach, and possibly some kale or chard. Extra kudos goes to the restaurant for not labeling the vegetables as "market veggies (uggh!)". I suppose this dish coulda been alternately named "Egg(s) Simón (José Antonio de la Santísima Trinidad Bolívar Palacios Ponte y Blanco)"[1].

For condimentary supplementation, 6th & B had Tabasco® Brand Pepper Sauce (Original Red Sauce), Tapatío® Salsa Picante Hot Sauce, and Frank's® RedHot (Original). Once again (in a dubiously valiant effort to try to use up at least one more bottle from my refrigerator), I used some of my own Pepper Palace Chocolate Habanero Hot Sauce (Thanks, Greg & Cindy!)  on top of the poached egg. Now, the hot sauce poured out juuuust a bit more quickly than I was expecting and I might have overdone it a bit, but, at least, the runoff/overrun covered some of "the vile weed" junk making that a bit more palatable.

the Wild Parrots of San Francisco Interlude

After breakfast, while taking a little walk along Balboa Street (near the corner of 5th Avenue), I heard a few of the noisy little chatter-heads and looked up to see a small pandemonium (about three or four of them) flying overhead southbound (towards Golden Gate Park?).

Glen Bacon Scale Rating:
quinoa bowl ~ 6.8;
sweet green ~ 7.0;
the Wild Parrots of San Francisco ~ 8.5


1. Okay, so maybe to get that silly little joke, you might have to understand that quinoa was first cultivated for human consumption in the Andes Mountains, along the Bolivian (Now do ya get it?) and Peruvian borders of the Lake Titicaca basin, three to four thousand years ago.

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