(Sorry, there is no website currently available… huh?!
I asked and they said they are working on one. I don't get it, as both of their older sister restaurants, Burma Superstar and B ★ Star Bar Bar, have decent websites.)
I made another trip over to Eats on Clement Street in the Richmond District (see April 1oth, 2010 entry). They have had some major menu tweaks since I was there last; some good, some bad.
First the bad:
They have axed the Poached Eggs Italian that I had there back in April. Apparently people (read: a buncha idiots) complained that the spicy tomato sauce was too "spicy" ~ ummm, it stated "spicy" right in the description. I'm sorry, if you have a problem with "spicy", order something else; plus, it really wasn't that "spicy" to begin with*. This is really a shame, as it was very good and I especially liked the addition of the broccolini.
They have also nixed the freebie mini-scones at the beginning of the meal. Too bad, as they were also very good.
As for the good:
Please continue reading and pay special attention to the home fries.
Before going to Eats, I stopped at Martha & Bros® Coffee Company a block up the street. Martha & Bros® makes a pretty decent cuppa; much better than St*rbucks, but not as good as Peet's® (this is not just IMHO**, it is a fact, because it's my 'blog). I just had a small cup of their standard "House Blend" and it was very good.
Once again, deciding on which of their breakfasts from which to choose was very difficult. After much deliberation, your Honour, I went with the Garden Scramble ~ corn (fresh and always a very good ingredient), summer squash (I wonder if this will be changed to Winter Squash or Solstice Racket Ball next month), Asparagus*** (Excellent!), mushrooms (I didn't ask if they were "shitake" ~ which, I found out, is apparently an acceptable transliteration, but I still prefer "shiitake"), goat cheese, basil (fresh and chiffonade), and parsley (also fresh and chiffonade). There were lots and lots of asparagus and corn ~ both a very good thing; no chintzy amounts of either here, which is always a plus with me as these are usually a deciding factor when I make a choice.
Now a little about their Excellent! home fries: They are made with red potatoes and mucho, mucho garlico. The garlic**** is roasted whole cloves which are served still in the papery skins, so you can either just push them aside if you don't like garlic (if this is the case, please do not ever invite me to dinner) or peel them and spread the sweet, buttery goodness on the home fries or on your toast. There had to have been at least 10 cloves ~ nice! The below photo really doesn't do it justice, as I had already eaten half the meal before I remembered to take some photos. You can see a little pile of the skins towards the back of the plate and there were still 2-3 large cloves left among the potatoes. I can still taste the sweet roasted garlic now, even hours later… mmmmmm *burp*!
They also offer some nice, blended drinks from their juice bar. I had the Detox ~ Carrot, Apple, Beet (yes, beet), and Ginger. It sounded disgusting, so I knew I would enjoy it. It was actually very good and the apples temper out the carrots and beets, plus there is just a hint of spiciness from the ginger (for which, I hope people won't complain and get it banned, too).
Their hot sauce condiments selection is pretty decent; I had remembered this from my last visit, so I did not bring any from my own collection. They offer Tabasco® (the standard red), Tapatío®, and Cholula® (they just had the plain version today as they were all out of the Cholula® Lime). I went with some of the Cholula® on the home fries only; however, they really didn't need any extra flavouring with all the Excellent! roasted garlic. They also have pepper mills on each table ~ always another good thing, Martha, my dear! And I discovered by accident that cantaloupe with fresh cracked black pepper is a very interesting combination.
Unfortunately, I only noticed after I was done eating that they had a special Fresh Green Grape Mimosa (see the picture above at the top of this entry). I would definitely have liked to try that concoction, too.
I just might have to rethink my Breakfast Rotation in 2011 and add this one in (but who would get DFA'd?); the location is close to me and their breakfast selections are excellent.
Glen Bacon Scale Rating: Garden Scramble ~ 7.2; Excellent! Home fries ~ 7.5; Detox ~ 6.8; Martha & Bros® Coffee ~ 6.7
*(I know that you're not supposed to end a sentence with a preposition, but you try to re-write this to read smoothly: "With which to begin" just sounds too awkward. This always reminds me of the punch line to that old joke: "Where's the liberry at, jerk?!")
**("IMHO" is Intro-Net speak for "I am right and you are wrong, so just STFU." I will let you discern for yourselves what "STFU" means on the World Wild Webster.)
***(Some people complain that "Asparagus makes your pee smell funny." ~ Sorry, Nancy! ~ I don't care; it is still one of my favourite vegetables.
As if normal urine smells like Eau de Toilette, anyway.)
****(Just a little edjification on the "stinkin' rose":
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garlic )
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