Place: Rocco'sCcaffè Location: 1131 Folsom Street (between 7th and 8th Streets) Hours: open Monday - Friday at 7:00am, Saturday & Sunday at 8:00am Meal: 3 Eggs Poached in a Sweet Tomato, Basil Marinara Sauce ~ w/ Italian sausage & warm Italian French [ sic ] bread, and served with Rocco'sBreakfast Potatoes (of course, I had them ottantasei the sausage-stuff); to drink with breakfast, a large glassa grapefruit juice; and, beforehand, I stopped at Sight/Glass Coffee and got a single-cuppa/pour-over EthiopiaYetatebe, Shakisso The last time I ate at Rocco'sCcaffè(see last 'blog-entry from Sunday, November 22nd, 2015) was about two years after I had first eaten there. At this rate, I suppose I will not make another return visit until 2022 (but I hope I get back sooner than that). And why another Sunday visit? It is just much easier to find ample and legal parking on a Sunday (and in this case, that early on a Sunday morning, I was able to find a spot just around the corner on a virtually empty 7th Street). One of the reasons I do want to get back again is that they offer a very nice breakfast fare (both off their everyday Breakfast menu and off their Breakfast Weekend & Holiday Specials). Some other possible ideas that I was perusing: Grilled Homemade Polenta ~ topped with cheese & Marinara sauce w/ eggs any style (Hmmm?! I wonder if I could ask for "ItalianFrench" eggs.) (and I would possibly order this with a side of Rocco's Breakfast Potatoes ~ if my appetite would allow for it); Fresh Vegetable Frittata w/3 Cheeses (they do not specify which three cheeses, but I would guess Parmesan, Mozzarella, and Provolone) ~ served with Rocco's Breakfast Potatoes & toast/sourdough, rye, wheat or English muffin; Mushroom, Onion, Basil, & Parmesan Cheese Frittata ~ served with Rocco's Breakfast Potatoes & toast/sourdough, rye, wheat or English muffin; Fresh Spinach, Mushroom & Provolone Cheese Omelette ~ served with Rocco's Breakfast Potatoes & toast/sourdough, rye, wheat or English muffin; or Avocado, Tomato, & Provolone Cheese Omelette ~ served with Rocco's Breakfast Potatoes & toast/ sourdough, rye, wheat or English muffin.
(Please ignore the horrible quality [I am claiming "poor lighting"] of this photo. The food was so much tastier than it appears here.) This meal was ordered off the Breakfast Weekend & Holiday Specials section of their menu. It was basically una ShakshukaItaliana(or possibly una Shakshuka Margherita). Once again, these were extremely good homefries; there was a lot of fresh basil leaves and onions mixed in with the quartered small red potatoes. The potatoes were not listed anywhere on the menu as an addition to this dish. I almost ordered a side of these to go with the meal, but was not sure how much food (two eggs is usually good for me) would be on the plate. I still have not figured out exactly what "Italian French bread" is supposed to mean; perhaps the bakery is located in the Alps. (The bread did come in very handy, though, to clean up the remainder of the sweet Marinara sauce.) For condimentary supplementation, Rocco'sCcaffè offers Tabasco®Brand Pepper Sauce (both Original Red Sauce and Green Jalapeño Sauce) and Tapatío®Salsa PicanteHot Sauce. In what is becoming quite the futile effort to get rid of some of my hot sauce collection, I used some more of my own Hot Licks®SerranoHot Sauce (Thanks, Brian!) on the potatoes.
(not really a) Strange Coffee Interlude I had a pre-breakfastary cuppa at Sight/Glass Coffee (their flagship shop ~ where they do all their roasting ~ on 7th Street and just around the corner from where I had breakfast, anyway). This was a very good cuppa Ethiopian Coffee; however, I did not think it was quite as spectacular as what Andytown Coffee Roasters makes/serves. This place must be one of the largest coffeeshops in the city; it takes up the entire space of an old (built in 1914) warehouse (they told me that it used to be a neon-sign shop previously). It has a great open space with a two-floor high ceiling. Plus, there is even an Affogato Bar located on the mezzanine level (it was way too early in the morning for Ice Cream... well, not for me, but it was not open yet or I might have gotten that before breakfast, too). Sight/Glass Coffee has four other local San Francisco shops/locations (however, good luck trying to locate them on their web-site; it took me ten minutes to finally find them). Glen BaconScale Rating: Sight/Glass CoffeeEthiopiaYetatebe, Shakisso ~ 7.2; Shakshuka Margherita ~ 6.5
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