Saturday, March 30, 2019

Kitchen Story

... the whole Kitchen kaboodle...

Place: Kitchen Story

Location: 3499 16th Street 
(on the corner of Sanchez Street)

Hours: open daily from 8 a.m.

Meal: Big H*ss Omelet ~ bacon (Millionaire's® or not, I still had it 86-ed), mushroom, spinach, avocado, Kimchi Pico de Gallo, mild Cheddar, served with butter croissant and rainbow potato; and, to drink, a large glassa Honey Apple Cider (hot)

(I do not know if Joanna Wang [or even 王若琳] likes big-*ss omelettes or not, but they were playing a few of her songs on the house-stereo this morning. I really liked her mellow [and melodious] sound and had to bother my waiter-server person-guy to find out who it was. I know that I will be listening to more of her stuff all throughout the day now.)[1]

"Once upon a time there was a breakfastary hunger throughout the land... "

I returned to Kitchen Story (see last 'blog-entry from Saturday, October 28th, 2017) once more for breakfast. Like last weekend, it was still a bit too cold again this morning (even with a jacket on) to sit outside in their Sanchez Street-sidewalk seating area (my estimation was that ol' Mr. Sun would not be showing his warm and friendly face 'round those parts for at least two to three more hours).

I really like this Korean family-owned local mini-chain of restaurants. At this specific location there are still a few other good ideas left to order:

Athenian Omelet ~ tomato, mushroom, arugula, Greek olives, mild goat cheese, served with butter croissant and rainbow potato (now, this really should be made with Feta cheese, but I still want to try it one of these days);

Primavera Omelet ~ egg whites, roasted tomato, arugula, mushroom, served with butter croissant and rainbow potato;


Grilled Veggie (uggh!) Morning Melt ~ mushroom, asparagus, arugula, red onion, avocado, cherry pepper.

For those of you that do partake of the dead, decaying porcine butt-bits, they are now offering their Millionaire's Bacon® four different ways. I tried talking the guys sitting at the next table over into trying the Rosemary version; apparently, the suggestion coming from a vegetarian did not sell them on it, though. The Cinnamon one sounded pretty interesting, too.

This was yet another successful dish from this restaurant. The omelette really did turn out to be one big-*ss meal, too. There was an entire half (or half an entire) avocado (which I can only *ssume was actually a H*ss avocado) on top of the mess. I had to ask first if their kimchi was shrimpy/fishy-free or not, after I was assured that it was vegetarian-friendly, I made up my mind that this was the right dish for me this morning. Thankfully, the Kimchi Pico de Gallo turned out to be very tasty, too. Score one for the daring, inquisitive stupid vegetarian! 

I also made sure to ask if their hot apple cider was made with Honeycrisp apples[2] and was informed that was exactly the case. It made for a very nice hot morning beverage, too.

For condimentary supplementation, Kitchen Story 
had both Tabasco® Brand Pepper Sauce (two ways: Original Red Sauce and Green Jalapeño Sauce) and Tapatío® Salsa Picante Hot Sauce. I simply used some more of my own Pepper Palace Chocolate Habanero Hot Sauce (Thanks, Greg & Cindy! ~ I am almost finally done with this bottle; maybe two more really generous doses) on the potatoes and some Chelsea Fire Wicked. Hot. Sauce.® (Thanks, Sha'!) on top of the omelette and big H*ss avocado slices to mingle nicely with the Kimchi Pico de Gallo. I made sure to use a good dosage of grains of paradise all over the top of everything from my portable "grindah"-thing, too.

Of course, now I really need to revisit all the other restaurants in this family mini-chain...

(another not really) Strange Coffee Interlude

I skipped any Coffee with breakfast, because on the way over to the restaurant earlier in the morning I noticed a Ritual Coffee shop just a block around the corner and planned on hitting it afterward for a decent cuppa for my drive home. They did not have any Ethiopian roasts available this morning, but I tried something new from them: Bashitsi[3], Burundi. Now, this was no Ethiopian, but it was a very nice roast/blend.

"... and everyone ate happilly ever after once again. The END"

Glen Bacon Scale Rating:
Big H*ss Omelet ~ 6.8;
Kimchi Pico de Gallo ~ 7.0;
rainbow potatoes ~ 7.2;
Ritual Coffee - Batusi, Burundi ~ 7.1


1. And just because I can, here is 'nother one from Joanna Wang, Mijnheer Van Gogh:


3. Stupid, useless cunning linguist pointer of the day:

Supposably (however, I can not really confirm this, as it seems that the jeenyusses at Google Translate do not deem Kirundi [or even Bantu] as a major language), "Bashitsi" means "guests" in the Kirundi language. 

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