Sunday, April 14, 2019

Jane ~ on Fillmore

Because it is Palm Sunday, I made sure to cross the palm of the homeless guy out front with a fiver on my way into the restaurant this morning.

Place: Jane ~ on Fillmore

Location: 2123 Fillmore (nacherly) Street 
(between California and Sacramento Streets)

Hours: open daily from 7:00am

Meal: Warm Quinoa Bowl ~ quinoa (nacherly), roasted brussel[ sic and in minuscule ] sprouts, sweet potatoes, kale, and one added hard-boiled egg (to make the meal a bit more breakfastarily sound); to start, a Fresh Fruit Muffin (where this morning's 
"Fresh Fruit" showcased was raspberry); and a glassa orange juice (unfortunately, I forgot to ask the counter-lady/cash-taker person [who happened to be the same lady as last weekend] which roast/blend it might have been)

(Apparently, Janie's got quinoa bowls and muffins, too...

I do not know if Abilene has a gun or not, or if Davie Alvin likes brussel[ sic and in minuscule ] sprouts as much as I do, but I just felt like adding this song today.)

"Hey, Brian, what gives?! Didn't you just eat at Jane ~ on Fillmore (see last 'blog-entry from Sunday, April 7th, 2019) last Sunday?!" Yeah, well... I am trying something new. If I like a place and see that there is more than one decent meal offered for stupid vegetarians, I decided to go back on multiple (however, these may not always turn out to be consecutive) weekends.

If you wanna see what other options that they might have to offer for stupid vegetarian-types, you can see what I listed in last week's 'blog-entry yerd*mnselves. (Like I have the time to cut-and-paste that junk here. [Buncha lazy b*stages!])

(Trust me, the photo used of the muffin was the best of the three that I took this morning. Maybe Jane can rename this particular baked-good: "Fresh Fruit 
Bokeh Muffin"?!)

Quinoa ~ good! 
Sweet potatoes ~ good!! 
Kale ~ very good!!! 
brussel[ sic and in minuscule ] sprouts ~ very, very good!!!! 

And I was very happy to see that there was a ton of each in the bowl, too. The only thing that might have made this dish a little bit better was if the egg that was laid on top had been a soft boiled egg (which is offered on other dishes on the menu) or a poached egg (which I am not sure that they do offer).

I did not bother to ask what they might have to offer in the way of any hot sauce condimentary supplements. In a valiant (but, at this point, a seemingly Sisyphean) effort to use up some more of my own hot sauces (yeah, there are still twenty-three d*mn bottles on my refrigerator door shelf) I simply used some of my own Old St. Augustine Snake Bite Datil Pepper Sauce (Thanks, Greg & Cindy!) on top of the hard boiled egg (once I had cut it in half) and generously ('cause that's just the kinda guy I am) all over the rest of the bowl, too. 

(not really such a) Strange Coffee Interlude

So as not to fall into the same mindless word-trap as last weekend, I made sure to prepare myself a cuppa (well, seeing as this was made in one of them HUGE latte-kinda cup/bowls ~ Thanks, Cindy! ~ it was more like a cuppa-anda-halfa) Kicking Horse® Coffee[1] - 454 Horse Power® (Dark) before heading out this morning. This was another Christmas gift (Thanks, Kerry!) that I had just broken into earlier in the week. They have it labelled as "Velvety, Earthy, Spirited" on the packaging. I do not know about any of that. I just know that it smelled unbelievably good while I was a-grindin' it up and tastes just as good. It is really a very good cuppa... neigh-h-h-h, it is truly a full-bodied Dark roast stud.

Glen Bacon Scale Rating:
Bokehberry Muffin ~ 7.0;
Warm Quinoa Bowl ~ 6.8;
Kicking Horse® Coffee - 454 Horse Power® ~ 7.3


1. Per our informative and friendly friends at WikipediA (we all know they stole the information from somewhere else themselves, anyway):

"Lavazza* purchased an 80% stake in Canadian-based Kicking Horse Coffee in May 2017."

Which, (really not so) surprisingly, is not notated on Kicking Horse® Coffee's official web-site anywhere.

*(This is not an actual "stupid, useless cunning linguist pointer", but I am pretty sure that "Lavazza" translates from Italian into English as "St*rbucks s*cks!")

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