Sunday, March 3, 2019

Chloe♥s Cafe

♪ "'Cause I was just thirteen when I got my first taste of... Brie and leeks... "

"... and the kids are lined up on the wall and they're ready to... dine... " ♫

(Wow! This must be a brand new[-ish] web-site for them. It was not active last year when I ate there.)

Place: Chloe♥s Cafe

Location: 1399 Church Street
(on the corner of 26th Street)

Hours: open Monday - Sunday at 8:00am

Meal: Special Scramble (off their weekend Specials Board) ~ 2 scrambled eggs w/ spinach, mushroom, leeks, fresh red bell peppers, basil, & Brie (the Frenchy soft cow's-milk cheese, not the Academy Award-winning actress... although, I am sure she woulda been plenty melty and tasty in a scramble, too), served with a choice of 2: fresh fruit, home fries (which was one of my intelligent and correct choices), green salad (yeah, right!), or toast (and this was my second intelligent and correct choice, where I went intelligently and correctly with the rosemary-potato bread); and, to drink, a large glassa grapefruit juice

(Once again, there is no real EweToobular juxtaselection with these songs and today's meal. Well, I am sure that Mikel Jollett, Steven Delopoulos, and even Mr. XV like[d] Brie and leeks in their breakfastary scrambled poultry ova dishes.)

Sometimes, it is all a matter of timing... 

I had arrived at Chloe♥s Cafe (see last 'blog-entry from Sunday, February 18th, 2018) at around 7:50am and noticed that there was already a small line (which for the size of the restaurant is sometimes enough to fill the place) beginning to form outside. I passed up a legal parking space directly in front of the restaurant because it looked like it might be a tight fit for my car-length (I did not want to be "that guy" that parks over the crosswalk line). No biggie, I found another (larger) spot just a half-block down Church Street, anyway. I decided to sit in my car listening to one last song (which just happened to be the first song above by those d*mn Toxic Avenger people) before getting into line myself. It was still a few minutes before they were to open their doors and they had not even put out the "Sign-up Sheet" yet (of which I was not aware). When they finally did put out said "Sign-up Sheet", I thought everyone in front of me had already signed-up, so I left my spot (I was last in line at the time, anyway) to check it out and only then found out that everyone in line was also waiting to "sign-up". When I went back to my place at the end of the line, there was a new couple (well, they may have been together for many years, I just mean that they were new to the end of the line) standing there. They offered me my spot back in line, but I told them not to bother because from the looks of the size of the line we would all probably get in on the first wave of diners...

Ooops! Guess who missed out getting in with the first group by one table?! Because of which, I am counting that as my "Pay-it-forward (... or bugger off!) Weekend" input-deed for today. Besides, the food tasted just as good a half-hour later...

Now, I coulda opted to sit outside (about fifteen minutes after they had opened, they started setting up four small, round tables ~ that could fit three to possibly four people comfortably ~ along the 26th Street sidewalk), but, by that time, I figured I could just wait another fifteen or twenty minutes for anyone in the first group to finish-up. It was not raining at that time (it had stopped raining 'round about the time I left my apartment this morning), but it looked like it was threatening to start again, anyway. (It actually did start raining about twenty minutes after I had finished eating while I was driving on my way home. Another "all a matter of timing", I suppose.)

Yes! Some things are worth waiting for! (And, yeah, sure, if you wanna get all Grammatik Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei on me, that sentence probably shoulda read: "Some things are worth waiting for, *ss-hole!") The Brie and leeks were the real standouts in this morning's scramble-mess. The leeks were finely julienned (as were the red bell peppers). Also, not many places will use "le fromage de la belle France" (Yeah, I know that was a reference to some other m*udit Frenchy cheese, Mr. Wensleydale, but you gets my point, right?!) as an ingredient. Brie is not Feta (Of course, everything's just betta with Feta!), but it did go very nicely with the rest of today's ingredients (and Brie does the melting-thing much betta than Feta). 

I did not really taste any basil, but I was so intent on getting the full Brie and leeks experience that I probably overlooked that one with all of the spinach (another favourite of mine, too) that was also in it.

Now, who in their right mind, when given the above side choices, would ever choose a d*mn green salad or fresh fruit over homefries?! People like that should not be allowed to go out to eat at nice joints. "But... but... Brian... what if they are on a diet and are trying to eat healthy?!" Then, once again, stay at yer own homes and "eat healthy" there and leave all the other good, "unhealthy" junk to those of us that can truly enjoy it while dining out!

Chloe♥s Cafe has both Tabasco® Brand Pepper Sauce (Original Red Sauce) and Tapatío® Salsa Picante Hot Sauce for use as hot sauce condimentary supplements. I used some of my own Pepper Palace Chocolate Habanero Hot Sauce (Thanks, Cindy & Greg!)  on the perfectly crispy and crunchy (See?! If'n I had been in the first wave of diners, the potatoes may not have reached their crispiocity perfection yet. Another positive "all a matter of timing"-thing.) homefries and some Dat'l Do-it® Spicy Jalapeno Hot Sauce (Thanks, Mom!) on top of the scrambled-mess.

(another not so very) Strange Coffee Interlude

When I arrived back home, to ward off some of the recent dampness and chill, I made myself a cuppa (once more via the single pour-over funnel-thing) Bettys Java Kalibaru (Thanks, Greg & Cindy!). This is another gifted-Coffee that I finally just opened this morning. Now, this ain't Bettys Jamaica Blue Mountain, but that is not a fair comparison for most Coffees, anyway. This is another one of the many really good Coffees from the tea-totaling-folks at Bettys and it is probably my 3rd or 4th favourite of theirs.

♪ "And the world is crying as we move along
And the world is trying as we move along
But they're still chopping our leeks and red bell peppers for a scramble... " ♫

Mikel and his band of friends owe me a half-hour of my life back...

Glen Bacon Scale Rating:
Special Scramble ~ 7.0;
Bettys Java Kalibaru ~ 7.3

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