Dottie's True blue café
(No web-site thing no longer.)
Place: Dottie's True blue café
Location: 26 6th Street
(on the corner of Stevenson Street);
phonicular contact: (415) 885-2767
Hours: open Thursday through Monday at 7:30am
Meal: Black Bean Cakes and Eggs any style ~ served with grilled chili-cheddar corn bread and home fries, topped with sour cream & pico de gallo; and a glassa pineapple's juice
I really wasn't planning on making it a monthly visit to Dottie's True blue café (see last 'blog-entry from Saturday, February 25th, 2017 ~ exactly one month previous, to be exact), but now that I have gone three months in a row, I might have to think about doing this for all of 2017.
With a brief respite in all the d*mn rains we have had the past few weeks (and the Sun was even out bright and early, too), I really expected there to be somewhat of a crowd already waiting when I first arrived (probably twenty minutes before 7:30am... or near enough 7:10am... whichever comes first). However, there were only two other idiots that had gotten there earlier than I had, and then only two more idiots behind me before they had opened the doors for the morning. Additionally, there was not even a line out the door (or around the corner) for a change the entire time that I was there.
For a change of pace (or a change of seating), I sat at the counter-top seating area. Normally, I prefer one of the small two-seater tables because, unlike at their old location over on Jones Street (where I would mainly sit at the counter-top seating area overlooking the grill-station), there really isn't a lot of knee-room under the counter here. I did score the corner-most seat out of the way (and apparently I was "Seat #1" as I heard Kurt call it out when my order was ready).

I have had this dish many times (well, many, many, many times) over the years and always like it. This used to be listed only on the weekend specials blackboard, but they added it to their official printed menu when they first moved to the new location on 6th Street. I went with poached eggs for my "Eggs any style" choice mainly because I wanted to try an experiment. I transformed this into an Eggs Benedict-style dish by scraping off all of the pico de gallo and sour cream, then adding the poached eggs on top of the black bean cakes, and finally adding all of the toppings mess back on top of the eggs. I would like to point out that this was a very successful experiment. You can just call me "Alfred Einstein"! (E = mc²... where "E" is "Eggs", "m" is "messy-stuff", and "c²" is "two [black bean] cakes".) Of course, this was not quite nearly as great as Kurt's original invention of Zucchini Cakes, but still...
I bet their grilled chili-cheddar corn bread would make a great base for another Eggs Benedict-style dish, probably with some kinda chipotle-Hollandaise sauce on top. I even mentioned this to Kurt, but he shot it right down saying he hated making poached eggs dishes of any sort and the Zucchini Cakes were his one exception to this food-rule. He also said he always hated having to make poached eggs, anyway, as they were too time-consuming. (Ooops! I am just glad that I had pointed this out to Kurt after I had already ordered poached eggs and had received my meal; I would hate to cause a reenactment of the Pinecrest Diner mass-a-cree[1] from several years ago.)
As far as condimentary supplementation, I used some of their Tabasco® Brand Hot Sauce Chipotle Pepper Sauce generously ('cause that's just the kinda BIG-♥-ed person that I am) all over the homefries (about like a normal person might use ketchup). Not only is this particular hot sauce my favourite from
Tabasco® Brand Hot Sauce, but I have found that a good chipotle sauce goes very well with potatoes; I think it's the smoky quality.
Glen Bacon Scale Rating:
Black Bean Cakes, eggcetera ~ 7.2
(I really can't give myself any additional Glen Bacon Scale points for my "invention", though)
1. Whachutalkin'bout, Brian?!
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