Saturday, May 11, 2019

Baker Street Bistro

Place: Baker Street Bistro

Location: 2953 Baker Street 
(Between Lombard and Greenwich Streets)

Hours: open for "le Brunch" Saturday & Sunday at 9:00am

Meal: Oeufs Baker Street Bistro Dave's favorite (one of Brian's favourites, too) ~ ratatouille, poached eggs, English muffin, tomato sauce, served with home fries & mixed greens (aka la nourriture de lapin[1]); and a large glassa fresh-squeezed Lemonade to drink (served avec une paille de papier, dans le style de la Californie[2])

Continuing the early-season workout of my Breakfastary Starting Rotation, I went back to 
Baker Street Bistro (see previous 'blog-entry from Samedi 5ème janvier 2019) pour mon petit-déjeuner[3].

Once again, I sat outside 'cause I could; it was still a bit chilly and un-sunny, though. This really did not matter much as I was wearing two sweatshirts and a t-shirt, anyway. Of course, I ended up being the only idiot seated outside the entire time that I was there... well, 'cept for one cool-looking English Bully named Patches Jr. and his human companion that were waiting for their "to go" order. (Okay, so the real reason that I sit outside is to see if I can sneak away before paying... however, that d*rn Chantal is always too crafty and brings out l'addition[4] just in time!)

I just want to say one word to you. Just one word.
Are you listening?

Okay, so this really has nothing what-so-ever to do with my meal today, Baker Street Bistro, San Francisco, or breakfasts in general. I just happened to notice the other day on a piece of Velcro® strip that the name "Velcro®" was actually a ®egistered trademark word/product. That came as a surprise to me. Who knew you could trademark a fabric fastener? I wonder if Mr. George Zipp was ever rightly compensated for his metallic clasp locker invention... 

I really do not have much else to add about this great breakfast ("Brunch", whatever) meal that I have not stated many times over already. This is simply one of my favourite meals in town. However, somehow, I always forget to request this dish "sans la nourriture minable de lapin"[6] in order to double-up on their great homefries.

As far as condimentary supplementation goes, 
Baker Street Bistro offers only Tabasco® Brand Pepper Sauce (Sauce Rouge Originale). So, I just used some of my own Dragon's Lair Extra Hot Cayenne & Habanero Hot Sauce (Thanks, Mom!) on the potatoes and on la nourriture de lapin. I also made sure to use several grinds/twists of my portable grains of paradise grinder on top of the poached eggs, potatoes, and la nourriture de lapin-stuff.

the Wild Parrots of San Francisco Interlude

While sitting outside eating my breakfast ("Brunch", whatever), I only saw une paire de perroquets[7] (un petit pandémonium, peut-être?[8]) while I was eating. They were perched on top of one of the telephone poles in front of the restaurant a-chatterin' up a storm. I did hear many more in the neighborhood throughout the morning, though. There was also one very loud Mockingbird that stopped by earlier and was perched on the exact same telephone pole, Miss Finch. He went through his entire repertoire of calls and I tried to copy most of what he was saying. He just looked down at me as if I was crazy as a Jaybird... 
(If you mimic a Mockingbird, is that considered "mocking a Mockingbird"?!)

Glen Bacon Scale Rating:
Oeufs Baker Street Bistro ~ 7.4;
the Wild Parrots of San Francisco ~ 8.5


1. Stupid, useless cunning linguist pointer of the day, numéro un:

That would simply be: "rabbit-food".

2. Stupid, useless cunning linguist pointer of the day, numéro deux:

"... with a paper straw, Callieforneeya-style... "

3. Stupid, useless cunning linguist pointer of the day, numéro trois:

"... for my breakfast."

4. Stupid, useless cunning linguist pointer of the day, numéro quatre:

"bill" or "check"

The phrase "L'addition, s'il vous plaît!" ("Check, please!") was taught to me many, many, many visits ago by Chantal.

5. Stupid, useless cunning linguist/pseudo-historical pointer of the day, numéro cinq:

Contrary to popular belief (Would that make it an unpopular belief?), Velcro® was not named after the Sixth Marx Brother who was way too clingy...

The product name Velcro® is a portmanteau of the French words "velour" ("velvet") and "crochet" ("hook").

6. Stupid, useless cunning linguist pointer of the day, numéro six:

"... without the crummy rabbit-food... "

7. Stupid, useless cunning linguist pointer of the day, numéro sept:

"... a pair of parrots... "

Not to confuse the issue, even though the Frenchy word for "parrot" looks and sounds a lot like "parakeet", the French-speak word for "parakeet" is actually 
"la perruche" (pronounced something like "PEH-roosh").

8. Stupid, useless cunning linguist pointer of the day, numéro huit:

"(a micro-pandemonium, perhaps?)"

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