Saturday, October 12, 2019

Bâkêr Strêêt Bîstrô

¿El proverbial último popote...?[1]

Place: Baker Street Bistro

Location: 2953 Baker Street 
(Between Lombard and Greenwich Streets)

Hours: open for "le Brunch" Saturday & Sunday at 9:00am (they call their early morning meal "Brunch"; however, they open up early enough for my simple breakfastary tastes... besides... let us never forget... 
le Pain Perdu le plus exceptionnel!)

Meal: Oeufs Baker Street Bistro Dave's favorite (one of Brian's favourites, too) ~ ratatouille, poached eggs, English muffin, tomato sauce, served with home fries & mixed greens (aka la comida para conejos); and a large glassa jugo de naranja (served con un popote de papel])

(There really is/are no EweToobular juxtaselections with these two songs/videos. The radio station I was listening to on my way home this morning just happened to be playing another song off Green Day's american idi*t album.

[just try to] Convince me otherwise: Green Day's american idi*t album is definitively one of the Best [if not The Best] Rock-and/or-Roll albums of the first decade of this here 21st Century. 

Of course, there is no question that it is Green Day's transcendent album to date. Even my foolish young-pup nephew [who shall remain named Cameron] has finally come around to seeing that I am 100% correct in this declaration. [Give the kid a break, he also took over ten years to finally agree with me that Lady Ella is The Best Female Voice in 'merica in the 20th Century... (Evah?)]

Man, that Giovanni Ribisi guy can really write some great music!)

While working my way through another Fall Classic warm-up of my Breakfastary Starting Rotation, I headed back to Baker Street Bistro (see last 'blog-entry from Saturday, May 11th, 2019) this morning.

Once again, I sat outside in their spacious sidewalk-patio café. It was still a bit cool this morning, but I had on both a sweatshirt and an outer sweatshirt/jacket-thing, so I was more than comfortable. As no other idi*ts decided to "brave" the autumnal chill, I had the seating area entirely to myself, too.

This is always such a great breakfast (specifically Eggs Benedict-oriented)! I do not know why any other local restaurant establishments have not stolen this idea yet (of course, I would think that they would need to change the name of the dish; that would be such a dead give-away)... kinda like the most awe-some Zucchini Cakes idea at Dottie's True blue café. Needless to say, I liked my breakfast ("le Brunch", whatever) this morning a lot.

For condimentary supplementation, Baker Street Bistro has only Tabasco® Brand Pepper Sauce 
(Original Red Sauce) on the tables. I used some of my own Chili in Hawaii Habanero Garlic Hot Sauce (Thanks, Cindy & Greg!) on the potatoes and several grinds of The Spice & Tea Exchange® Pirate's Bite Spice Blend (Thanks, Cindy!) on top of everything 
(even on a few slices of the French bread in the basket...  à la Glen Bacon's [yes, that Scale Rating-guy] grandfather).

Crafty Coffee Confabulation Interlude

(Much earlier) before heading out for breakfast ("le Brunch", whatever) this morning, I made myself a cuppa TLC Coffee Roasters - Bali Blue Moon (Thanks, Greg & Cindy!). This was a brand-new (well, it has been in my freezer for the past few months, and I am just getting around to finally trying it out) Coffee for me. This was another very nice output from a small roastery outta the Island of Rhodes. These two production/roasting notes really did prove true in its flavour factor: "Bali Coffee trees are planted alongside oranges and tangerines, and the beans seem to pick up a little extra sweetness and a touch more acidity than most Indonesian varietals. The fact that the beans are dried with the fruit attached to the seed further enhances the complexity and wild fruitiness of this exquisite Coffee."

the Wild Parrots of San Francisco Interlude

After breakfast, I walked over to one of the larger known roosting areas of the Wild Parrots of San Francisco (the tall Eucalyptus trees next to the Lombard Street Gate of the Presidio) to see if I could catch any of my squawky feather-brained friends in the area. However, I saw just un solo papagayo flying overhead of the trees in the small dog-park in that area of the Presidio. For what it is worth, I also saw one extra-noisy Steller's Jay[2] flying around there, too.

Glen Bacon Scale Rating:
Oeufs Baker Street Bistro ~ 7.4;
TLC Coffee Roasters - Bali Blue Moon ~ 7.2;
Steller's Jays ~ 8.0;
the Wild Parrots of San Francisco ~ 8.5


1. Stupid, useless cunning linguist pointer of the day:

As soon as I sat down, the friendly Mexican-guy waiter/bus boy-type (whose name I really should learn one of these days; he has worked there now for several years and always greets me warmly the few times a year that I do darken their doorstep... sidewalk-patio café, whatever.... ) asked me if I wanted "un Café" (en español, gracias!). I told him that I just wanted a glassa "jugo de naranja" (one of the few simple phrases that I can remember en español, anyway). He then introduced me to a brand-new español-ese word: 
"(el) popote" ("(the) straw"; somewhat pronounced 
"po-PO-tay"). I also made sure to ask him if "popote" was "un/el" or "una/la" in gender-agreement.

I will have to try and remember this one on future visits there (or at local taquerias even).


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